I had grand plans to start this series on Monday and to continue throughout the whole week...
While there are still enough tributes to take us well into Sunday and beyond and not enough days for each, I thought that I would just double up...
While there are still enough tributes to take us well into Sunday and beyond and not enough days for each, I thought that I would just double up...
As I've gotten older, I have come to appreciate God's plan for women... and that includes being wives and mothers. It's not always easy to accept his plan - especially in our day and age. I'm not going to get into all the issues and controversies surrounding motherhood and women's roles but I simply want to recognize and share about some ladies that have been instrumental in my own life in teaching me about being a godly woman, with priorities shaped by the Bible and striving to carry out its instruction in how they live. You may not agree with those same priorities but we can all agree that loving your children is a beautiful thing.
So I hope you enjoy these little tributes and are inspired to recognize the women in your life who are loving and serving their families as well. :)
RIGHT before he was born, she was my small group leader at church and weekly shaping me, Joyce, Yoonjee & Jenie into some women that would love God and love people - even more than our careers, as well. (You can see pictures of our small group above, including the minishower we threw for her. :D). Now, she is continuing that work of exalting God to the next generation, in putting the things of God as more important than the things of this world as she loves Jacob and puts his salvation far above achieving riches, power and fame.
{Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ. - Phillippians 3:8}
I first got to know Lynn through playing together on our footbal team (YES, she is our awesome running back!!!) and have gotten to hear how she serves her kids - four different personalities and interests...equals four different sets of activities! Her license plate frame reads "2 Boys, 2 Girls.... TOO TIRED" but you would never know by her sweet smile and how excited she is when her kids achieve different things because THEY are excited. Lynn is Supermom: active in the PTA at the elementary school, and music lessons, orchestra, sports practices galore, and still serves in the nursery at church, caring for some of the other babies. We all know moms that are tired (maybe even including Lynn) but I am encouraged and challenged by how she serves her kids in being there for them and serving them through listening to their stories, shouldering their struggles with an understanding ear and even practically driving them to all their lessons. I hope to be a non-complaining, supportive mom like Lynn someday. :)
{Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humilty of mind regard one another as more important than yourslves; do not merely look out for your own interest but also for the interests of others. - Phillipians 2:3-4 NASB}
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