
July 17, 2013

Left My Heart in San Francisco

It was my first time reading a REAL bicycle in about 15 years. While it was at moments very painful to keep going along our 12 mile ride (taking our group of 12 from the Ferry Building to Sausalito) there was one thing that made me so happy about coming along.

It was the view of San Francisco from perspectives I've never experienced. I've been to SF many times over the three years I've lived in The Bay area. While I am not a seasoned native by any means, I've seen the bridge during the day, during the middle of the night. I've taken photos in the Ferry Building, outside the ferry building, looking up at it...from afar. But the views that I was afforded from being up close and personal on a bike, reminds me that every time, I leave a little bit more of my heart in SF. 

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