Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb
There have been SO many things that have changed since the last time I blogged. Do you ever reach the point where so much is going that its hard to describe? Maybe that's what I has been keeping me away from my dear readers.
But never the less, I must update you about all the changes. After planning for about a year and a half...
1) Got a new SJ
2) Had to say goodbye to my faithful minivan....and hello to my new(tome) pick up truck. (Ain't he shiny??)
3) Just this past Sunday, made the seven hour drive up to move to my new home, right here in San Jose.
My navigator, Miss Cindy at the beginning of our drive.
It all happened so fast (all those things in the past two weeks!) but honestly I am glad to be here. The reason that I moved was to plant a church with
Lighthouse Bible Church San Jose and I'm so excited that I finally get to be part of the action.
However, this Sunday, I will be saying goodbye to my dearly beautiful San Diego and some of my best friends....and my church family in SD. Ohhhh it's going to be so hard. But I am SO thankful for the years I spent in SD and I'm thankful for the opportunities that I am ALREADY experiencing that are making me grow here in San Jose.
So to bid San Diego a farewell as well as my readers, I am offering 30 minute sessions in La Jolla on SATURDAY for $100. You will receive a disc of 30 images and 20% will go towards supporting
LBCSJ! If you are interested, please email me at And do it soon - there are only 5 sessions available!
I'll be back soon with some MUCH awaited sessions.....