
June 30, 2011

The Cutest Proposal {thus far.}

 When two of the cutest/funniest people get together, would you really expect anything less?
{It's a bit long but well worth it. Seriously, this will make your day.}

 Congratulations Ed and Cindy and thanks for sharing your joy with the rest of the world! 

June 28, 2011

Just the Way You Are

More portraits of my super cute friends 
{well, now I guess I'm just bragging...}


Trying to capture people the way I see them is a challenge that never seems to get old to me. 

As much as people may think that their smiles are cheesy, their eyes are too small or don't like their smiles...when I manage to catch them in a moment where I see aspects of their personalities shine through,  I just can't help but show them off. During a weekend of being with some dear friends (is friends the right word? Maybe I mean sisters?) these shots really captured how I see them. In the way that I see them,  I think of it being like catching a ray of light off an angle of a prism. Sometimes its a side of them that not everyone knows at a surface level. Whether it's Janet, the universal sweetheart, Naomi's growing gentleness, Anna's sophisication, Sarah's sweet side, Jen's hilariousness and exasperation with all our teasing, Joyce's adorable side, Andrea's goofiness and Becky's tender and protective love, I see it all. 

And hopefully they would agree that I see them.

June 17, 2011

sweet TREATS!

It's been a long week and I feel like I need some of theeeeeeeeeese. 

June 10, 2011

What a week {random acts iphone-tography}


 Sprained ankle. Packing boxes. Moving day. Good roommates and great friends helping. Trashbags. Crutches. Bags of peas. Hellos and goodbyes. 

Yet survived it. Not on my own, though. That's for sure.

Captured a crazy week through instagram on my iphone.

June 9, 2011

Spring is the thing

Just reminding myself that the new things in spring are not always bad things. 

June 6, 2011

Magical Monday: Soph, Heej & Noel {The Kim Family in San Diego}

Monday's typically do not bring good news. Instead of being a field of daydreams, Sunday night is usually filled with dread of encountering an overflowing inbox of emails, noting just how many missed calls I had over the weekend....and meetings that I had managed to forget about over the two days at home. This particular weekend was a tough one as I had sprained my ankle right before the not convenient, especially since I am moving in the middle of this week.

So when I want to be down, what better day to look back on a few shoots that I absolutely loved with amazing people? I admit...I have more than ONE of these in the can, and more than ONE coming up. :)

My last weekend in San Diego was spent with the Kim family... it was a PERFECT San Diego afternoon with Soph and her umma and appa....And when Heej told me that Sophia LOVES the water, I knew it was going to be a picture perfect afternoon. :)

Miss you guys...can't wait till our next family time together!

June 3, 2011

pretty young things

I just want to take this moment to brag....

I think my friends are some of the prettiest gals ever. : )

And now they are going to kill me for posting such photos of them...but I couldn't help it.
{Photos from my bff's bridal shower...some shots by me, some by Jen.}