
May 13, 2009

Sisters and Friends

Inner Circle, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

A mid-day phone call from Becky reminded me to rejoice in all the has been accomplished for us on the cross...
...and then I thought of the abundant blessings that we have - especially in my friendships. I praise him daily when I think of all the encouragement that I receive from your lives...through God's sanctifying work in your hearts, expressed in a growing love for our Lord as we run together... and thank you Lord, for carrying us when we are falling apart.

I love my sisters. :)

May 7, 2009

Finally....Cathie & Steven

Their wedding is less than a MONTH away (wow....)
and I'm finally getting around to posting my morning with them at Balboa Park. I admire both of them for their love for God, love for the family of God and their desire to honor God's truth in their lives. I'm going to miss them once they are back in OC but I'm so thankful for the time that I've gotten to serve alongside them at LBC.

{Romantic yes....but the secret here is they were actually playing some hiphop music when I asked them to go run on the stage of the Organ Pavillion!}

{I think this one is my favorite!}

Such a good looking couple. :)

{Inside the botanical garden.}

I love how Steven makes Cathie laugh.

The movement and natural interaction + shot of bright color = what I had in mind while I shot the whole day.
Love in Balboa Park. Beautiful sites, beautiful couple.

Cathie's one request was to take a photo by this tree as they had on one of their dates. I hope this fits the bill.

Congratulations you guys...I know your wedding will be amazing because our God who brought you together certainly is!