Over the weekend, I started to think about my trip from last year to Czech Republic, and the trip that I will be taking this year :-).
I am really looking forward to visiting the church family that I had the opportunity to get to know last summer... and I realized how quickly kids grow. Last summer, some of our CZ friends Pavla and Marek were just about to have a baby. When we go in August, "baby" will be almost a year old already! This guy here, Metosh was two years old when I met him and its crazy to think of how big he will be when I see him and his sisters (as well as the Mellwig family - that is Mattias holding Metosh) in a few months. Honestly, children are near and dear to me, and photographing them is something I love - something so precious. There's a quote from the movie "Enchanted" that sums it up well:
Morgan (age 7): "But Daddy, I'm only seven years old!"
Robert: "Yeah, but you won't always be."
March 31, 2008
March 26, 2008
March 25, 2008
March 24, 2008
Such Great Heights
March 21, 2008
The Glory of the Cross
What wisdom once devised the plan
Where all our sin and pride
Was placed upon the perfect Lamb
Who suffered, bled, and died?
The wisdom of a Sovereign God
Whose greatness will be shown
When those who crucified Your Son
Rejoice around Your throne
And, oh, the glory of the cross
That You would send Your Son for us
I gladly count my life as loss
That I might come to know
The glory of, the glory of the cross
March 18, 2008
Moment of Victory
No one cheers more enthusiastically for our men during the Mission Bowl football tournament than Ribecca and Wury. They loyally stand on the sidelines, lead the cheers and call out advice to the guys on the field. We didn't do as well, score wise this mission bowl, in comparision to past years, but Rib and Wury were just as excited to see a touchdown being made.
March 17, 2008
Bye Claire!
originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.
Claire's been in San Diego for a year but sadly, we had to say goodbye. Her amazing roommates Karen and Kaitlyn planned a sweet farewell for her. We will miss you at LBC... you are such a blessing, as a reminder to of us of God's amazing grace. I'm definitely be praying as you make your way back to Korea. :-)
March 14, 2008
Exciting Things to Come
Gal #1 (aka Grace) is getting married soon!
Gal #2 (aka McLau) is getting married in June!
Gal #3 (aka Mrs. Cho) is having a baby too. :)
March 8, 2008
March 3, 2008
One second after I snapped this, she threw up her hands and said "No! Don't take my picture!" Grace, you're fast...but not fast enough! ;-)