
February 29, 2008

My Friend Romi

Picture 1779, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

When I think of Romi, this is what I see in my mind. (haven't you ever played that game when you name someone and then you immediately describe what they're wearing?)

Romi is such a delight to be with... I'm so glad that she and her husband Kent have become one of my most favorite couples to hang out with...EVER!

February 28, 2008

Happy Birthday KAJ!

Picture 1937, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

Man, what would SD be like WITHOUT you?


Right before I press the shutter button Mike looked straight at me and said "I feel like Jughead again." (We made him wear a homemade crown for his birthday this past year.)

It was first incredible that he wasn't squirming around even though he knew that the camera was pointed RIGHT at him, and secondly, he actually mustered up a smile.

See Hase, having your photo taken isn't all that bad. :-)

February 27, 2008


TiffShower-1-3, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

When I see dear Maria, all I can think about is "The Sound of Music". I feel as though little musical notes are actually floating around her head as a music box tune plays "How do you solve a problem like Maria" whenever she walks through the room. :-)

February 26, 2008

Pretty Baby

Picture 408, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

Seriously, John and Esther gave the cute gene to all three of their kids.

February 24, 2008


There are several roles that Carol plays... wife, mom, auntie, unni, oldest Lim sister, among many other things. I've enjoyed getting to learn about each of them from her life.

I love this one of her holding Aarolyn.

February 15, 2008

The Mom to BE!

TiffShower-1, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

We had a baby shower for Tiff on Sunday...doesn't she look radiant? Praise God that's been a relatively easy pregnancy - but we're still praying for Baby Ho, who is on the way!

February 13, 2008

You're way too beautiful girl....

Saturday was such a refreshment... I drove up to good old Irvine to surprise Whitney for her birthday. Whit was one of my closest friends from college, and has always been an inspiration to me. We spent Saturday afternoon doing all of our favorite things: eating good food, talking, encouraging each other...and taking photos! The diversity of Corona Del Mar did not disappoint - all of these photos were taken within a 2 block radius. We walked down alleys, sat next to trashcans (actually I did), walked along flowerbeds, hung out in people's driveways - whatever we thought would be a cool shot. It's nice to have someone as adventurous right by your side, especially when they are your subject! Whit, you are as lovely as ever!

Seriously, this was someone's driveway/garage thing. Yellow!

In the back of some boutique.

This was in a REALLY skinny alley, right up next to someone's house. We had to be REALLY quiet. :-P

February 12, 2008

I Spy

Whitney-6, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

I spy with my little eye...

February 11, 2008

SO Happy Together!

Picture 1992, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.
I found this jem among the latter half of my photos from retreat and the only word to describe what I felt was delight....

...delight that indeed, thanks to happenstance, I have a photo of JR and Mike playing with hula hoops. As dignified as these men may be when it comes down to business, there is no denying the childlike glee on their faces.

February 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Helen!

Picture 039, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

One thing I know about Helen is that she LOVES her sisters! She is a girl who is so faithful in cultivating and caring for the other ladies in our church. i was super blessed to be in the same small group with her, and then to see her move on to be able to lead even more girls was sad, but encouraging. This was a nice morning with the breakfast club at Cafe 222- and I hope that Melon feels as surrounded by love today, as we were on that morning.

February 6, 2008

Warm and Fuzzy

I made Anna and Joyce sit down and "pose" for me during our retreat. Though I repeatedly subject them to such moments, they always give me warm fuzzies when i go back and look at the images. Anna and Joyce are two sisters who have been a huge encouragement in so many aspects of being a disciple of Christ... to not give up, to strive for God's honor in all things. They both have been so supportive since I moved to San Diego over a year and a half ago and I am so thankful for their friendships.

February 5, 2008

Singlelife Retreat

Singlelife Retreat at Pine Valley Bible Conference Center. January 11-13, 2008.
"Truth that Dares".