
November 28, 2007

Beautiful Fall!

It's true...I love fall more than the other season, even summer when I've been known to hit the beach every other day. The only pitfall of San Diego is that there are not many of the vibrantly beautiful bursts of colors that the east coast or even SACRAMENTO has! I didn't count a leisurely walk around the neighborhood as something to do during my thanksgiving visit but it was a highlight. There couldn't have been anything more inspiring than to wander among shapes, colors, and small town feeling. I felt so rejuvenated when I returned to the craziness of my family. I hope you can enjoy it too!
Truly, wonderfall...

November 20, 2007

Thankful for...

20071119-IMG_7987, originally uploaded by Courtney Lynn.

I'm thankful for...Olivia! She's become a little buddy that I look forward to seeing every week. Her face always makes me smile, especially when she asks me to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" with her. One thing I love about the family is seeing all the little ones run around.