Take a break from posting about Czech to share something from this past weekend.
We like to joke around and say that Becky has the personality of a fierce jungle cat, complete with the laser beam stare.... but you wouldn't see any of that here! This is how those close to Becky know her.
August 28, 2007
August 18, 2007
August 14, 2007
Teresa in London
This summer I was given the amazing opportunity to go to Czech Republic with my church (www.lighthousebc.com) and serve a church that we had partnered with for the last 7 years. It was amazing to meet them, to see their lives and to be able to encourage them to keep pressing on.
Our team was 11 members strong (including the kids Alyssa, Olivia and Tyrone) and I was really glad for the chance to get to know them all better. More than anyone, most of my waking moments were spent with my roommate, Teresa. We knew each other slightly before taking off for Europe together, but by the time we came back home, we were definitely familiar with each others idiosyncrasies, but in a good way!
Anyways I got this shot while Teresa was doing some reading during debriefing in London.
There was mist and big clouds overhead but I love the light and how this came out.